MarySmith’sPlace – Cancer Diary#32 #earring #lost&found

Sunday, 18 April: I recently told the world how devastated I was when I lost one of a pair of earrings gifted by my friend Sue Vincent. As always, the response was overwhelming with many people sharing heart-warming stories of treasures lost and found, hopes, wishes, prayers and practical tips for finding the earring.

One friend, jeweller Amanda Hunter, said she’d try to make a replacement for me if I sent her the remaining earring and another, retired farmer (they never actually do retire, though!) John Nelson said he’d bring his metal detector round.

Around 4.30pm on Friday John appeared with the metal detector. Until I lost a tiny earring I’ve always thought of my garden as being small but it suddenly looked dauntingly enormous.

I showed John where I’d been mainly working the day the earring was lost and I’d even kept two black sacks of grubbed up things instead of putting it all in the compost bin. I was convinced if the earring was going to be found it would be in one of those black sacks. It wasn’t.

It wasn’t to be found on the lawn though there were lots of bleeps but much further down than the earring would have got.

It was much later when John said he’d do one last sweep along a gravel path. I couldn’t believe it when he said: “There it is.” And there it was, just lying on top of the gravel. I’d walked over the path several times since I lost the earring and I’d sat on the tree stump (old apple tree that had honey fungus), scarcely a foot from where John found it, drinking my coffee and didn’t spot it.

The tree stump which provides a sunny seat for late morning coffee – hardly a foot from where the earring lay

In normal circumstances, I’d have hugged him – in pandemic mode I could only repeat my thanks over and over while remaining socially distanced. Something like this really brings home how strange the world in which we live has become.

So tiny – so much of a miracle it has been found. I still tear up.

Both earrings are sitting on my desk as I type this. I can still hardly believe the lost one is back again. What were the odds of finding it? I really have no idea. I think it was pretty miraculous (but don’t want John to get big-headed!).

Was Sue up to mischievous tricks as some blog followers (who knew her well) suggested? I don’t know but the red kite which has been appearing over my garden every evening around 6pm for several days failed to put in an appearance on Friday.  

I know it’s a bit soon for another cancer diary update but I’m fairly sure everyone would want to share in the fantastic news about my earring.

162 thoughts on “MarySmith’sPlace – Cancer Diary#32 #earring #lost&found

  1. God bless Farmer John and if Sue didn’t have a hand in this, I will eat my hat. Tears in my eyes and gratitude that you have found your missing earring, Mary. ❤ Xxx

    Liked by 3 people

  2. What a wonderful end to a sad loss. I’ve always loved the special objects in my life because of their connection to my history – like memories anchored in the physical world. Those earrings link you to memories of Sue and are doubly precious now that she’s gone. -huge hugs-

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Just popped in for my usual read of both post and comments.. always a bright spot in the day. Wonderful news about the earring and thanks to John’s diligence for finding and I am sure Sue was up to mischief… Delighted you will be able to wear again once you have the safety caps.. they are a good idea I have them for some of my wire earrings. Will share the good news in the blogger daily this evening.. love and hugs ♥

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Pingback: Smorgasbord Daily Blogger – Wednesday April 21st 2021 – #Treasure Mary Smith, #Finance Sharon Marchisello, #Kindness Jane Sturgeon | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  5. Congratulations, Mary! Perhaps the saying about a needle in a haystack isn’t there for nothing. You just have to look for them and find them. 😉 I hope you are also otherwise fine: I wish you the very best and have a nice day! Michael

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I don’t want to say “I told you so,” but… I told you so. Visualize. Believe. Love/friendship/caring show their faces in the most amazing ways, like through a man with a metal detector. We were all visualizing with you Mary, and love answered. xoxoxox

    Liked by 1 person

  7. It is the best feeling in the world to find something dear to you that you thought was lost forever! What a heartwarming story Mary; John is the best. But I would be remiss if I didn’t say that I think Sue was somehow involved in its return. I’m a big believer in signs and I think she was showing you one. She will always be close to you in some way.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It really is, Melanie. I can’t properly describe how absolutely delighted I am. I think many others who have commented here are in complete agreement with you about Sue being involved. I hope she will always remain close though that won’t stop me missing her.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. This was actually amazing! The way u explained the process of finding the earring and the pictures of ur beautiful garden where u looked for it..such a cute way of narrating a story! Also, being a big fan of jewelry myself, I cam totally relate to the happiness u must have felt when u found it! ☺

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you. It was pretty amazing to find the earring after it being lost for so many days. The reason I was so happy to find it was because the earrings were given by a very lovely friend who has since passed away. When I lost one of the earrings I was devastated so you can imagine how happy I was to have someone come and help me find it.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I can understand!! In the end its the memories that stay with us and how warm the person made us feel! And having the earring makes us feel that they’re still with us. I’m so sorry to hear about your friend and pray that they’re happy, wherever they are..

        Liked by 1 person

  9. How wonderful, Mary. It really does make you think, doesn’t it? What if somebody on the other side does have an influence on what happens in our lives? When my father passed away last October, I suddenly started to get daily visits from a Robin who sits on the wall just outside the window of my study and watches me type away. He still visits every day. Of course, it could be different robins that visit every day, but my father’s favourite birds are robins, and I remember him telling me made-up stories of robins when I was a child.
    So pleased Sue’s earring turned up.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, Hugh, a friend of mine would definitely agree the robin is your dad visiting and checking all is well. And, I know Sue always felt there was something very special about the way robins appeared to show the way. “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
      I am so delighted to have Sue’s earring back. When John did his final sweep on the gravel path and found it I could hardly believe it.
      It’s my camera which has gone missing tonight! The DH had taken a photo of my lockdown haircut and uploaded it. We were going for a walk later and I reached for my camera but it wasn’t in its usual place. We’ve searched the house, including the recycling bins! I know Sue and I talked several times about cameras but I think it would stretching the suspension of disbelief to think she had a hand in my disappearing camera … Big hugs, Hugh.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh, I hope the camera turns up, Mary. It reminds me of some crumble mix that went missing in our house. It arrived as part of a weekly shop in the early days of the first lockdown. I can remember taking it out of the carrier bag, but we’ve never been able to find it since. We know we never used it because it was a Tesco own brand crumble mix and was a substitute for the one not in stock.
        It’s strange how things go missing and how some things eventually turn up again.
        Maybe Sue has borrowed your camera to take some photos of the early part of her new journey? It’s a nice thought, but I do hope it does turn up.
        Hugs to you.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. “I once was lost, but now I’m found…” Yes, Sue is still with you. So happy the earring was discovered–or should that be, recovered? At any rate, message received. Such a lovely story; made my day.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, Linda, I still can’t explain how very happy I am to have my earring (though some people refer to it as Sue’s) back. I wore them today when I went to have my lockdown hair cut. I took them off when I went for a walk later but have ordered the safety backs so I can wear them without worrying about losing one or both. It certainly made my day when John found the earring. And I think my smile and look of joy made his day. Such kindness from people is truly humbling.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. This made me so happy. It seems like every day that people are getting more and more unkind. Sometimes I get so down about all the hate in the world. Maybe it’s just getting older. This made me very happy. I will definitely follow your journey with Cancer. Stay strong.

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