91 thoughts on “MarySmith’sPlace – #SilentSunday #Bluebells #Dumfries&Galloway

      • They are beautiful this year, Mary. They grow in my garden and are abundant. I have a memory of walking through the woods at Stanley, Perthshire and coming across the river Tay burbling over rocks and the woods were full of bluebells. I couldn’t speak for a some time. ❤

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  1. OH, I love these! 💙 They always make me think of fairy lanterns (fun to imagine a fairy party) so I am partial to the close-up photos. But I’ve never seen a field of them that large so love those photos, too. I just saw a photo posted of whitebells and they are lovely, too.

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    • I’d never seen them as fairy lanterns but I can definitely imagine a fairy party taking place when we humans have cleared off. The stretch as far as the eye could see – glorious. I have a few white ones in my garden – I think they are mutants although they look pretty 🙂

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  2. Magnificent! I know some people are worried that the hybrid ones might wipe out the original ones but there’s little chance of that happening in those woods – genuine wild bluebells as far as the eye can see! We have the hybrid ones in the garden and I love them, too. Thanks for these images. xx

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    • I see the hybrid ones are described as an invasive species but the ones in our gardens are lovely – and as we’re no longer allowed to dig up any from the countryside I think we should be allowed to enjoy them. I don’t think the bluebells in the woods near me have anything to fear. Glad you enjoyed the pics.

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    • Thank you, glad you enjoyed the photos and yes, nature is very good at soothing the soul. The happy dog belongs to my sister. I’m lucky I didn’t experience peripheral neuropathy when I had chemo though I have a friend who did and even now, months after treatment, still has it. All the best.

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